No Cost LegionCare
Confirmation REQUIRED to Finalize LegionCare
Your valued status as a Legionnaire makes you eligible
for LegionCare, up to $5,000.00 in NO COST to you
insurance coverage.

No Cost LegionCare
$1,000 Accidental Death Protection for all covered accidents
LegionCare Overview
As a member of the Legion Family, you’re eligible for up to $5,000.00 in NO COST To You coverage. But your Confirmation is REQUIRED for activation.
Your beneficiary will receive a check for $5,000.00 if you suffer a fatal covered accident while you are traveling to or from or participating in any covered event conducted for Legion business, or $1,000.00 for all other fatal covered accidents. You pay nothing for this coverage.
Your Department of The American Legion endorses this coverage to stand by your family with up to $1,000.00 cash benefits paid straight to your beneficiary, if you suffer a fatal covered accident at home, on the job, in your car, on vacation, while traveling, wherever you are.
LegionCare Benefits
As a member of the Legion Family, you’re now eligible for LegionCare, up to $5,000.00 in NO COST to you accident coverage. This coverage is an important coverage extended to valued Members – compliments of Your Department of The American Legion.
Yes, LegionCare really is at NO COST To You. That’s because coverage has been arranged and paid for on your behalf by the Legionnaire Insurance Trust.
You can’t be turned down, no matter how dangerous your job or how often you travel. Plus, it pays benefits regardless of any other coverage you have. But it’s not automatic – you have to activate it.
Every time you step into your car to go to your monthly Post meeting, you can rest assured your LegionCare coverage is on duty. That’s because once you enroll in LegionCare, you are covered for $5,000.00 in Accidental Death Protection while you are traveling to or from or participating in any covered event conducted for Legion business.
And this is true if you travel for any covered Legion function – Department meetings, fundraisers, softball events, or any event conducted for Legion business.
You are also covered for $1,000.00 in protection for all other fatal covered accidents, all at NO COST to you.
Your beneficiary will collect cash benefits REGARDLESS OF any other insurance and you cannot be singled out for a premium increase. Most important of all, this accident protection is issued through The Legionnaire Insurance Trust and endorsed by Your Department of The American Legion. When it comes to protecting your family’s security, you should consider the insurance program that was carefully examined and endorsed by Your Department. Sign up today for the protection especially designed to help protect your family in case of your covered accidental death.
LegionCare Rates
Members of the Legion Family – TAL, ALA & SAL – in good standing are eligible for $5,000.00 in NO COST To You Accidental Death Protection if an accident occurs while traveling to or from or participating in any Legion event, or $1,000.00 for all other fatal covered accidents.
In addition to any benefit-specific exclusions, benefits will not be paid for any Injury or Loss which, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, is caused by or results from any of the following: intentionally self-inflicted injury, suicide or any attempt threat while sane or insane (while sane in Colorado and Missouri); declared or undeclared war or act of war; military or combat activities while serving in the armed forces, National Guard, or organized reserve corps in any state, country, or international authority; sickness, disease, bodily or mental infirmity, bacterial or viral infection or medical or surgical treatment thereof, except for any bacterial infection resulting from an accidental external cut or wound or accidental ingestion of contaminated food; flight in, boarding or alighting from an Aircraft or any craft designed to fly above the Earth’s surface: (a) except as a fare paying passenger on a regularly scheduled commercial airline; (b) being flown by the Covered Person or in which the Covered Person is a member of the crew; (c) being used for: (i)crop dusting, spraying or seeding, giving and receiving flying instruction, fire fighting, sky writing, sky diving or hang-gliding, pipeline or power line inspection, aerial photography or exploration, racing, endurance tests, stunt or acrobatic flying; or (ii) any operation that requires a special permit from the FAA, even if it is granted (this does not apply if the permit is required only because of the territory flown over or landed on); (d) designed for flight above or beyond the earth’s atmosphere; (e) an ultra-light or glider; (f) being used for the purpose of parachuting or skydiving; (g) being used by any military authority, except an Aircraft used by the Air Mobility Command or its foreign equivalent; the Covered Person’s intoxication as determined according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the accident occurred; voluntary ingestion of any narcotic, drug, poison, gas or fumes; voluntary self-administration of any drug or chemical substance (accidental ingestion of a poisonous substance is not excluded); being intoxicated or under the influence of any drug; driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of a controlled substance; riding or driving as a professional in any kind of race for prize money or profit.
HOW BENEFITS ARE PAID Benefits for loss of life are payable to your beneficiary. If no beneficiary has been named, benefits will be paid to: your spouse; your children; your parents; your siblings; or your estate (in that order). Benefits for loss of your spouse’s life are payable to you.
FULL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE IN THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE These materials explain the general purpose of the insurance described, but in no way change or affect Master Policy 9003/9004/9005, under policy series 17-50925 and individual policy form 17-51040, as actually issued. In the event of a discrepancy between these materials and the policy, the terms of the policy apply. Complete details are in the Certificate of Insurance issued to each insured individual. Benefits may vary and this program may not be available to residents of all states.
Endorsed by: Your Department of The American Legion
Offered by: A.G.I.A., Inc.
Underwritten by: Securian Life Insurance Company, St. Paul, MN 55101
Administered by:
A.G.I.A., Inc.
P.O. Box 26720, Phoenix, AZ 85068
Questions? Call toll-free 1-800-235-6943
As a member of the Legion Family, you’re eligible for the following coverage:
- $5,000.00 NO COST To You Accidental Death Protection if traveling on official American Legion business.
- $1,000 Accidental Death Protection for all other covered accidents.
But to enroll we require your Confirmation on file in order to finalize this complimentary coverage. Please activate your NO COST To You insurance coverage today.
Underwritten by: Securian Life Insurance Company St. Paul, MN 55101
Policy Form Series 17-50925 and individual policy form 17-51040